In my time playing the narrative dice system, I've designed a lot of different printable help docs, layouts, character sheets, and GM tools. Here you'll find a collection of my resources for you to download and use in your games when you aren't using RPG Sessions online! If you find any errors, let me know and I will make the correction. All documents are formated to US Letter. Enjoy!
TRON: Gaming in the Grid Source Book (Beta Version 0.16)
TRON: Gaming in the Grid Character Sheet (v1.3)
Genesys Generic Circular Character Sheet (Two options - v1.1)
Genesys Initiative Tracker (Inspired by Rogue09x & Stanshinn)
Simple Dice and Combat Cheat Sheet
(6 per sheet)
GM Session Tracker Sheets
How to use this PDF
Initiative/Combat Tracker
How to use this PDF
Simple Dice and Combat Cheat Sheet
(6 per sheet)
The Tenjura Mass
Return to Yavin 4
One Step Ahead
EOTE Adventure Stimpack
(Adventure Crafting Aide v1.1)
AOR Adventure Stimpack
(Adventure Crafting Aide)
Star Wars Starter Stimpack
(Aide for Exciting Starts)
X-wing Sheet with Squadron Rules
Squad Sheet with Rules
Swoop Bike Sheet with Race Rules
Star Destroyer Sheet with Crew Stats
Rebel Anti-Infantry Cannon Sheet
Vehicle Action Combat Sheet
The Crucible Deck Plan
Minion Stat Block Collection
(Alternate Version)
Instant Fantasy Adventure
(uses GMs Fantasy Toolkit)